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Avea dreptate (to be correct) conjugation

37 examples

Conjugation of avea dreptate

Present tense
am dreptate
I am correct
ai dreptate
you are correct
are dreptate
he/she/it is correct
avem dreptate
we are correct
aveți dreptate
you all are correct
au dreptate
they are correct
Present perfect tense
am avut dreptate
I have been correct
ai avut dreptate
you have been correct
a avut dreptate
he/she/it has been correct
am avut dreptate
we have been correct
ați avut dreptate
you all have been correct
au avut dreptate
they have been correct
Past preterite tense
avui dreptate
I was correct
avuși dreptate
you were correct
avu dreptate
he/she/it was correct
avurăm dreptate
we were correct
avurăți dreptate
you all were correct
avură dreptate
they were correct
Future tense
voi avea dreptate
I will be correct
vei avea dreptate
you will be correct
va avea dreptate
he/she/it will be correct
vom avea dreptate
we will be correct
veți avea dreptate
you all will be correct
vor avea dreptate
they will be correct
Conditional mood
aș avea dreptate
I would be correct
ai avea dreptate
you would be correct
ar avea dreptate
he/she/it would be correct
am avea dreptate
we would be correct
ați avea dreptate
you all would be correct
ar avea dreptate
they would be correct
Subjunctive present tense
să am dreptate
(so that/if) I be correct
să ai dreptate
(so that/if) you be correct
să aibă dreptate
(so that/if) he/she/it be correct
să avem dreptate
(so that/if) we be correct
să aveți dreptate
(so that/if) you all be correct
să aibă dreptate
(so that/if) they be correct
Subjunctive past tense
să fi avut dreptate
(so that/if) I have been correct
să fi avut dreptate
(so that/if) you have been correct
să fi avut dreptate
(so that/if) he/she/it have been correct
să fi avut dreptate
(so that/if) we have been correct
să fi avut dreptate
(so that/if) you all have been correct
să fi avut dreptate
(so that/if) they have been correct
Past impf. tense
aveam dreptate
I was being correct
aveai dreptate
you were being correct
avea dreptate
he/she/it was being correct
aveam dreptate
we were being correct
aveați dreptate
you all were being correct
aveau dreptate
they were being correct
Imperative mood
ai dreptate
be correct!
aveți dreptate
be correct!
Imperative negative mood
nu avea dreptate
do not be correct!
nu aveți dreptate
do not be correct!
Past pluperfect tense
avusem dreptate
I had been correct
avuseși dreptate
you had been correct
avuse dreptate
he/she/it had been correct
avuserăm dreptate
we had been correct
avuserăți dreptate
you all had been correct
avuseră dreptate
they had been correct
Future alternative 1 tense
am să am dreptate
I am going to be correct
ai să ai dreptate
you are going to be correct
are să aibă dreptate
he/she/it is going to be correct
avem să avem dreptate
we are going to be correct
aveți să aveți dreptate
you all are going to be correct
au să aibă dreptate
they are going to be correct
Future alternative 2 tense
o să am dreptate
I am going to be correct
o să ai dreptate
you are going to be correct
o să aibă dreptate
he/she/it is going to be correct
o să avem dreptate
we are going to be correct
o să aveți dreptate
you all are going to be correct
o să aibă dreptate
they are going to be correct
Future perfect tense
voi fi avut dreptate
I will have been correct
vei fi avut dreptate
you will have been correct
va fi avut dreptate
he/she/it will have been correct
vom fi avut dreptate
we will have been correct
veți fi avut dreptate
you all will have been correct
vor fi avut dreptate
they will have been correct
Future in the past tense
aveam să am dreptate
I was going to be correct
aveai să ai dreptate
you were going to be correct
avea să aibă dreptate
he/she/it was going to be correct
aveam să avem dreptate
we were going to be correct
aveați să aveți dreptate
you all were going to be correct
aveau să aibă dreptate
they were going to be correct
Conditional past tense
aș fi avut dreptate
I would have been correct
ai fi avut dreptate
you would have been correct
ar fi avut dreptate
he/she/it would have been correct
am fi avut dreptate
we would have been correct
ați fi avut dreptate
you all would have been correct
ar fi avut dreptate
they would have been correct
Presumptive tense
oi avea dreptate
I might be correct
oi avea dreptate
you might be correct
o avea dreptate
he/she/it might be correct
om avea dreptate
we might be correct
oți avea dreptate
you all might be correct
or avea dreptate
they might be correct
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi având dreptate
I might be being correct
oi fi având dreptate
you might be being correct
o fi având dreptate
he/she/it might be being correct
om fi având dreptate
we might be being correct
oți fi având dreptate
you all might be being correct
or fi având dreptate
they might be being correct
Presumptive past tense
oi fi avut dreptate
I might have been correct
oi fi avut dreptate
you might have been correct
o fi avut dreptate
he/she/it might have been correct
om fi avut dreptate
we might have been correct
oți fi avut dreptate
you all might have been correct
or fi avut dreptate
they might have been correct

Examples of avea dreptate

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
E posibil, dar d-ra Lyons pare a avea dreptate.That may be the case , but Mrs. Lyons seems to be correct.
"Ea" va avea dreptateShe would be correct.
Ai avea dreptate.You would be correct.
Aş avea dreptate să presupun că aceste numere sunt folosite la organizarea coletelor, pe măsură ce sunt încărcate pentru livrare?Would I be correct in assuming that these numbers are used to organize the parcels as they're loaded for delivery?
Dnă procuror, dl Hadley va avea dreptate dacă martorul dvs continuă cu această pierdere nefericită de memorie.Madam Crown, Mr Hadley will be correct if your witness continues this unfortunate loss of memory.
E posibil, dar d-ra Lyons pare a avea dreptate.That may be the case , but Mrs. Lyons seems to be correct.
- Atunci ştii că am dreptate.- Then you know I am correct.
Daca am dreptate, nava mercenarilor se indreapta spre sectorul Hyralan.- Yes. If I am correct, the mercenary ship is headed to the Hyralan sector.
Daca am dreptate.... datorita instabilitatii protoplasmei in apropierea Daemon Ritusului... vom continua sa schimbam corpurile aleatoriu pana cand...If I am correct due to the instability of protoplasm in the proximity of the Daemon Ritus we're going to continue randomly changing bodies until...
Dacă am dreptate si de obicei am... toate trei vor părea că se ating... pentru prima oară în 3,000 de ani.If I am correct, and I usually am... all 3 will appear to touch... for the first time in 3,000 years.
Dacă am dreptate, trebuie să ne modificăm armele astfel încât forţa exploziei să fie refazată în continuumul spaţio-temporal al extratereştrilor.If I am correct we must modify our weapons so that the force of the explosion is rephased into the aliens' time continuum.
- Da, dragă, ai dreptate.- Yes, darling, you are correct.
- Nu... Nu, ai dreptate.No, you are correct.
Am verificat arhivele, ai dreptate.Checked our records, and you are correct.
Billy, ai dreptate.Billy, you are correct.
Bine, hai să presupunem că ai dreptate.Okay, all right, let's assume that you are correct about all of this.
"Joelică" are dreptate. Da, sunt avocată.Joelskies is correct.
- Apryl are dreptate, e serialul meu.Apryl is correct, my show.
- Avocatul are dreptate.The barrister is correct.
- Chiana are dreptate.- Chiana is correct.
- Colonelul are dreptate.- Colonel is correct.
Dacă avem dreptate, şi pentru Peck e vorba să readucă o iubită moartă, la viaţă, atunci Peck şi cu mine, avem ceva în comun.If we are correct, and, for Peck, this is about bringing a dead loved one back to life, then Peck and I, we have something in common.
Dacă mama ta şi cu mine avem dreptate şi această emoţie se va stinge în timp, atunci te vom fi protejat împotriva umilinţei şi nefericirii.If your mother, and I, are correct, and this emotion cools with time, then we will have protected you against humiliation and unhappiness.
Dar dacă el şi noi avem dreptate, şi nu este nimic după, n-ai vrea să continui să exişti ?But if he and we are correct, and there is nothing beyond wouldn't you want to be continued?
Pentru că avem dreptate.Because we are correctos.
- Şi au dreptate.Then they are correct.
Ar fi fost prostesc sa faci altceva, pentru ca au dreptate.You would be foolish to consider it otherwise, for they are correct.
Atunci regii şi cardinalii au dreptate.No. Then do you believe the kings and the cardinals are correct?
Daca teoriticienii cuanticii au dreptate, nu vom intelege niciodata nivelul fundamental al Universului.If the quantum theorists are correct, we will never understand the fundamental level of the Universe.
Dacă Penrose şi Hameroff au dreptate şi conştiinţele noastre pot exista după moartea corpurilor noastre fizice, explică aceasta de ce experienţele în moarte ca a lui Pam Reynolds sunt relatate de milioane de oameni peste tot în lume?NARRATOR: If Penrose and Hameroff are correct and our consciousness can exist after our physical body dies, does this explain why near death experiences like Pam Reynolds' are reported by millions of people around the world?
E foarte probabil să ai dreptate.You may very well be correct.
Odată-n viaţă, Giuliano, s-ar putea să ai dreptate.For once, Giuliano, you may be correct.
S-ar putea să ai dreptate până la un punct.You may be correct to a point.
S-ar putea să ai dreptate, Daniel Jackson.You may be correct, Daniel Jackson.
S-ar putea să ai dreptate, căpitane, dar să încerci să porneşti un scandal cu peste 500 de membrii ai echipajului şi colonişti nu-i ceva prea logic.That may be correct, captain. But trying to initiate a brawl with over 500 crew men and colonists is hardly logical.
Cum pot să aibă dreptate amândoi?How can both be correct?
Dar e foarte posibil să aibă dreptate.Yet she may be correct.

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